How do I register for a Capital City Adult Basketball season?  Once registration is open, forms are located on our website under the “Downloads “section.  Submit your completed registration form to

Can I register in person or does it need to be online?  You can drop off your team registration at the Athletics Office located at 515 South Pleasant Valley, Austin TX 78741, email your completed form to, or fax it to 512-978-2684.

How much does it cost to play per team?  $348 for COA residents / $380 for non-residents.

Can I register individually & be placed on a team?  We only accept team registrations.  If you don’t have a team, we encourage you to submit your information on our “Free Agent List” located on our website.

My team needs a nameFeel free to be as creative or generic as possible when creating a team name. We ask that you please be respectful when deciding on a team name.  PARD Athletics will not tolerate racist, sexist, or otherwise demeaning names for teams. We reserve the right to remove a name that we deem inappropriate.

When are the seasons & where do we play?  Adult basketball runs seasons in Spring, Summer, and Fall.  All games are played at City of Austin Recreation Centers throughout the city.  Locations are subject to change based on gym needs and may vary each season.

Are officials provided by your office & are there any additional fees?  All officials are provided by the Athletics Office and are included in your registration fees.

Do you provided uniforms/jerseys when we register?  The Athletics Office doesn’t provide any team uniforms/jerseys prior to the season.  All teams are responsible for providing team jerseys. Home Team is required to wear WHITE and Away Team is required to wear a color other than white. Teammates can be in a matching uniform color or similar colors (colors based on officials’ discretion) All players must have unique, permanently affixed numbers on their jerseys. Players are not allowed to have the same number during a game and/or swap jersey during play.

Are women allowed to play?  Yes, all adult basketball divisions allow women to play on a team. No special or modified rules are applied during the game for women participants.

How many games do we play per season?  Each team plays 8 regular season games and is guaranteed to advance to the playoff bracket. Teams may be restricted from participation in playoffs due to violation of our Code of Conduct or any other reasons determined necessary by the Athletics Office.

Are players under 18 allowed to play in the adult basketball league?  Players aged 16 and 17 can play once a signed parental consent form is on file with a copy of a form of ID from the participant. The minimum age to play is 16. You, as well as a parent/guardian must come in to our office to complete the waiver and present a photo ID.

What rules are used for the basketball games? Rules applied to the game mirror those of NFHS with a few modifications. Detailed rules can be found on our website under the “Forms/Information “section. 

Do I need to bring an ID to check in every game to play? Yes. Scorekeepers will check-in players according to roster. Players are required to show the official a valid ID. Acceptable forms of ID are Driver’s licenses, ID card, student ID, and work ID, will be acceptable as long as ID has player name and picture. After an ID has been reviewed by the Scorekeeper the player is required to sign the blue roster/waiver. Player doesn’t have to sign each game, only first game player. ID is required for every game! Players will not be allowed to play without presenting an ID.

Is this league open roster for the whole season? No. Team rosters will lock after a team’s fifth regular season game (no adding players after the team roster locks). A team manager may add players to their roster before their roster locks. You can add players on site at the gym or by sending an email to A player must play one regular season game to be eligible to participate in the playoffs.